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Aram's Story

Aram, 25, pastor and pastoral ministries student

When I was growing up, my family never attended church.  Then my mother became a Christian first, and people used to make fun of us because of it. We lived in a big family with my grandfather, my grandmother, and my aunt, and none of them were believers. But my mother brought us to the church, read the Bible to us, and explained everything. She passed on to us her faith in God.  

I was baptized in 2008, when I was sixteen.  Six months later, I started to preach.

I heard about the seminary, and I wanted to attend classes.  I had been in secular studies about transportation, and I thought that it might be impossible to do both things well together, so I decided to finish my secular study, go to the Army, and then come back here to prepare for ministry.  

My father was a non-believer, and I wondered how he would react to this. But four years ago he was baptized, and he is now a member of the church. All members of my family are now believers.

Now I am preaching in the church and singing in the choir. Earlier, I didn’t understand that I needed to prepare a sermon well, but now I realize it’s important. I used to just read the text and then share my personal thoughts about it. But now I try to find out what God was saying through the author of the text, and this requires more time and more responsibility. My dream for my ministry is just to be faithful to God.

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